Thursday, March 21, 2019
Responsiveness vs. reactivity.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Intelligence Test
If you were a nation-state, how would you test a rival state's intelligence system? What if you fed them fake information, and then sat back and observed how quickly they reacted to it? You could measure your own effectiveness at disinformation at the same time you measured their response time. You'd also begin to understand how they react to different stimuli. Simply by forcing your adversary to react to non-existent issues would throw them off balance and create general malaise.
What if you made them question their tools? Got them to throw away perfectly good - maybe even best-of-breed - systems just because you were able to convince them they were no good, or had a bug?
Now, instead of moving forward, your rival is tied up replacing resources that work just fine - at a great cost in labor, cost, and time. All for nothing. They're operating at diminished capacity during the replacement, and may replaced something effective with something not-so-effective. And you've figured out what buttons to push to make them react, at virtually no cost.
Am I the only person who thinks this is a pretty efficient way to test an opponent's capabilities?
Friday, March 8, 2019
Are New Risks More Risky?
This pace can be overwhelming to cybersecurity practitioners, and I think we sometimes cite risk as a defense mechanism against change.

Some of this discomfort is understandable, but consider that not too long ago, it was considered unthinkable that anyone would use her credit card to buy something on the Internet - too risky. Amazon, ebay, and PayPal embraced that risk - and made billions of dollars - precisely because everyone else was afraid to jump into a risky business. It was madness to put sensitive data on a LAN, because it couldn't be secured. Now, a lot of our data is moving to the cloud on the open web. Is it riskier?
I think the risks are just different, but the biggest risk is standing still. Would it have been risky for Sears or K-Mart to move their businesses online? You bet it would have been! But it turns out doing nothing was even more risky. Instead of losing some data, they lost everything.
Technology is advancing - and disrupting - at an ever-accelerating pace. Jump on the train, or risk getting left at the station.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Serving the People You Serve
It isn't your father's IT anymore. Technology is moving to an "as a service" model. Microservices, chatbots, automation, The Cloud, mobile, wireless, collaboration. This raises a lot of red flags to those of us who grew up defending systems with clearly defined boundaries. The Business demands innovative solutions because The Customer demands it. And the competition is scratching their itch. And new competitors, new disruptions, are cropping up every day. The people we serve want to be served in a different way, and if we don't do it, someone else will. We have to adapt in order to survive. And we have to do it in a secure, accountable manner.
3. What do we own?
What assets do we already have? How can we adapt them to serve our people's new needs? Can we retool our existing systems? More important, can we reimagine the way we use our monitoring, our firewalls, our intrusion detection, our access and identity management, our logs? Are there new security capabilities in the very disruptive technology that The Business wants to use to serve The Customer? How can we leverage what we already have to scratch the new itch in a secure way?
4. What do we know?
How can we tweak what we already know to adapt to our people's new needs? How do we apply our knowledge of defense in depth, of best practices, of monitoring and incident response to maintain our relevance, and more important, our customers' trust?
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Flywheels and Bullets

Slow and steady may win the game, but taking well-timed, calculated risks can provide exponential returns.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Stop Counting and Start Slicing!
Fixing things is hard. It takes time and you never know what you should fix first. Everything seems important. You have to make distinctions between the various things that are broken in order to set priorities, and the most defensible and repeatable way to do that is to measure them.
Here are some thoughts on measurement. I highly recommend Doug Hubbard's brilliant "How to Measure Anything", which inspired a lot of my thinking on this topic. Gathering data is time-consuming and expensive, but you probably don't need as much of it as you think.

But wait, you say, my shop is complex - we have lots of different-colored balls, not just two. Of course you do, and the solution is to slice the data thinner. You aren't trying to fix everything at once, so why would you measure it all at once?
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Infopedian [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)] |
At some point during this analysis, you'll probably also find that the 80/20 rule applies to your problem - ie, 80% of your problem can be solved by fixing 20% of your stuff. Let me say that again: You can probably resolve 80% of your issues and only touch 20% of your stuff. This is your big win, and big wins fuel morale. Morale fuels momentum, and if you're not careful, you'll find yourself in the middle of a virtuous cycle.
So stop counting and start slicing!
* This type of data slicing is a simple form of OLAP pivoting
Monday, March 4, 2019
It's Time to Train the Trainer
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These are the good guys |
Why do organizations require training? Is it because the organization is required to do it? What is the training for - is it to change people's behavior in order to achieve a specific outcome, or is it just so you can say "I told them not to do that" when something bad happens. Even worse, is it just to tell your regulators that you checked the training box?
Cybersecurity awareness training may be the worst of the lot. Students are expected to digest a mind-numbing array of concepts, policies, regulations and best practices, from dumpster diving to asymmetric encryption. At the end, there's a "knowledge check" to prove they can regurgitate sections of the security policy on demand.
All the cybersecurity training I've ever seen consisted of citing a dozen legal statutes, then going through phishing, encryption, privacy, password best practices, social engineering, acceptable personal use, permitted devices, appropriate websites, email etiquette, and more. It's not working.
- It's too much data for a human to assimilate in an hour.
- There aren't any real-world examples of how your organization is affected.
- The student will tune out anything she doesn't feel is relevant to her situation.
- You don't have any way of determining whether or not the training was successful.
- Actually, that's not true - you have the dreaded mandatory survey at the end of the session.
You're missing a rare opportunity by not putting enough thought into mandatory training. Mandatory training is a shared experience and you have everyone's attention for an hour or two. This makes it a unique chance to change the culture of your organization and boost morale by creating a positive experience. Done right, training can help everyone be better at their job, and yet this opportunity is often squandered because it lacks forethought and clear, measurable goals.
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This is the bad guy. |
Instead of trying to get your colleagues to memorize cyberlaw, what would happen if you asked HR and your incident response team to tell you the three bad behaviors they most want to eliminate from your organization. Agree on three things that happen in your shop that you'd like to eliminate once and for all. Get examples of the behavior, and how it impacted you. Most important, get numbers - how many times did it happen last year. Focus your entire training on those three things.
For example, if plugging in personal USB drives has caused data exfiltration or virus infections, then quantify it, and train people not to do it. Provide case studies that show how USB drives have impacted the organization. Try to make the training fun or at least engaging. Forget the quiz results - if the training worked, you'll see a measurable drop in USB-related incidents. If you don't, you need to tweak your training.
By taking an incremental, focused approach, you can use your training program to inspire your team to do better work, and help your organization avoid risks. If the training is created with wit and creativity, it might even boost morale.
It's time to train the trainers.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
The results of tarot or palm readings are often uncannily accurate, even though you know it's random. One explanation for this is called hindsight bias: essentially you create a story backwards from the outcome to the real or imagined beginning. We eliminate any details that don't fit the prediction. Another theory is that your prediction actually drives your subsequent behavior, thus influencing the outcome.
Either of these subconscious tricks is fine when you're playing with cards, and may even work in your favor when you predict positive outcomes. The problem is that many of us seem to be biased towards negative predictions - especially when it comes to cybersecurity!
Be honest - don't you get a covert thrill when you tell a System Owner "I told you so" when they fail to act on your recommendations?
I think the biggest problem with predictions comes when we make negative predictions about another person's behavior. Saying or even thinking, "Kumar won't show up to the meeting. He never comes to our meetings." taints your engagement with Kumar, no matter what. If he does show up, you say "Hmmph, so Jane finally decided to show up". If he doesn't make it, even if he has a great reason, you get to say "I told you so". There is no positive outcome possible, making this a zero-sum game.

Even worse, since Kumar didn't show up to the meeting, you may rewrite the history of your relationship with him to create a reason for his non-attendance. He's flaky, disrespectful, and doesn't care about security. You may even exclude all the evidence to the contrary, just to support your predictive narrative?
What if you tried flipping hindsight around to give everything the benefit of the doubt? Always assume the best intentions - "Kumar is always supportive. Something very important must have come up to make him miss a meeting". Always predict the best outcomes - "I'm confident we will solve this problem together. We always do, one way or another".
One final thought: Hindsight bias can blind you to the things you could have done better on a project that ended well. You could create a "doomed from the start" narrative on work that has a negative outcome, and wind up losing all the things the team did right. Although these lessons contradict your narrative, they often turn out to be the most valuable part of an endeavor.
In hindsight, of course.
Friday, March 1, 2019
A Blank Page

How do you stay the course to change?
How do you keep that fresh feeling fresh? How do you keep from backsliding?
Is it okay to lower your expectations? Should you lower the goal posts to make success easier, more achievable? Do you set a grand goal and try to get there incrementally? Is it defeat when you admit that you bit off more than you could chew? Is it cheating if you ask for help?
Patient Gardening
I was pulling weeds in my garden last weekend, and it struck me that there are a lot of parallels between gardening and cybersecurity. I’m...

What do you do with a blank page? A blank page is a clean slate, a chance to start fresh, an opportunity to transform the way you express...
I was pulling weeds in my garden last weekend, and it struck me that there are a lot of parallels between gardening and cybersecurity. I’m...
It's great to be confident. But, to quote Dirty Harry in Magnum Force, a man's got to know his limitations. I'm not going to...