Crazy as it sounds, I see IT organizations do this. A lot. Rather than identify and solve the root cause of whatever mess we’ve gotten ourselves into, we work overtime to clean it up.
It’s easy to understand why: personal heroics help teams bond because it makes us feel more connected and productive. But if we don’t solve the problem first, we’re going to have to clean up the mess again and again.
Personal heroics aren’t sustainable, they don’t scale, and they burn us out over the long term. More important, they don’t usually solve the problem.
Next time you discover some technical debt – a PII spill, missing patches, malware – invest some time to figure out how to stop it from coming back. Create a system or process – at least a plan – to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Then use personal heroics to knock out the residual technical debt. When you're done, you can have some level of confidence that you’ll never have to clean up that mess again.